Monday, August 6, 2007

Tagliatelle alla salvia e straccetti di pollo

This recipe came to me from an ex-colleague, Paolo. It is one of those dishes that taste nice in winter but in the summer: it's pure magic !

400 gr. fresh tagliatelle (or fettuccine)
100 cc extra vergine olive oil
2 cloves of garlic
2 slices of old bread
15 fresh sage leaves
200 gr chicken filet, finely sliced in strips
the juice of 1 lemon

Press the garlic, chop up the sage leaves, make breadcrumbs of the old bread (remove the crust, use a blender)
Slowly fry in half of the olive oil, until golden.
Remove pan from the heat
Cook the pasta in a large pan with water and some salt.
In another pan fry the chicken with the rest of the olive oil.
When the pasta is 'al dente' remove form the water and put it in the frying pan with the chicken and keep frying, softly, for a few minutes. This way the pasta sucks up a lot of flavour. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Serve in a preheated dish with the sage-garlic-breadcrumb mixture on top.

Buono appetito !

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