Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Poaching II: Perfect Salmon

Follow up of yesterday's poaching story, this recipe will serve 2. I guess it is the opposite of microwave cooking: very slowly but terribly good !

yesterday's court-bouillon
500 gram of salmon fillet (room temperature)
a mound of fresh dill (roughly 10 branches 20 centimeters each)

Wash the dill
Put the fillet and dill in an ovendish and add the cold court bouillon
Ideally everything is submerged, if not you have to flip the fillet over halfway
Put the ovendish in a cold oven, and set to 70 °C
Wait one hour
Check now and then how you fish is going, the should gradually change color
Now set the oven to 80 - 90 °C, flip the fillet over if necessary, and wait until it is ready (about half an hour)

Serve with one of the dille branches op top, and prepare for the best tasting salmon you ever had !

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