Friday, July 13, 2007

Beer can chicken

Up until now the summer in Holland was pretty useless. This weekend the forecasts look good ! I will probably do some redneck cookin' on saturday: Beer can chicken.

1 whole Chicken
1 can of Beer
Olive oil
2 cloves of Garlic
Chicken rub (kipkruiden)

- Start with a hot grill (coals all white and ready to cook). Drink about 1/4 of that can of beer. Set it aside 3/4 full and have a couple of full ones. (gotta love this recipe !)
- Get the chicken ready for cookin'. Trim some of the fat, get rid of the giblets.
- Rub liberally with the olive oil and the chicken rub. Rub the cavity with some crushed garlic.
- Make some more holes in the top of the can and drop in the crushed garlic.
- Oil up the can and lower that chicken over top of it. The beer can goes into the chicken's body cavity and allows the bird to stand upright.
- Place a drippin' pan, place the chick with the beercan on it and cook the chicken until its wings are loose and the skin turns clear.

Take a look at how others did it
Shout outs to the Weber Poultry Roaster

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